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The Library

The Library project incorporates your information into a single point of secure access on our encrypted website with SSL technology with database access. Save time for both management and employees by linking to our Library login for your protected access to gather, collate and analyse the information vital to your business. What was once a tedious effort of email responses by filling in a spreadsheet which had to be cleaned and collated by more staff can now be achieved simultaneously and immediately.

- The webpage to gather your information is completely customisable from the smallest questionnaire to a cross referencing table of several hundred data points, no data gathering project is too big or too small.

- The information is also editable and updateable so we can amend your questions on the spot for live updates for your staff.

- Your information is stored using 256 bit encryption on a 32 bit case sensitive alphanumeric key which is rotated to provide the cutting edge in information security.

- Access to your information is geo-coded so that only computers in your offices can login to view or edit it.

- Output of your information is also fully customisable to provide you with the summaries, graphs and charts that you require as often as you need them.

Current Projects

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Icarus - Web based property asset monitoring software.

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Finite Mail - Web based text encryption and decryption software.

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Library - Web based data collection, collating and analysing.

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Caesar - Web based customer management platform.

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